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"A company's biggest and most valuable assets are the people itself. Without the people, there is no company."

Onboarding Strategy

We're applying a very forward thinking strategy when it comes to onboarding new developers.
It goes as follows:

  • We're very flexible, patient, and open with developers. They're given a lot of opportunities, space and comfort.
  • Newly onboarded developers are offered a playground to learn and grow at their own pace. They're isolated from real responsibilities that might backfire on them in case they underperform.
  • Most of the time, a minimum fixed salary is offered to provide peace of mind and security, but the maximum salary (which is in the from bonuses and shares of contracts/projects) is not fixed/limited.


Considering the above points, and the fact that we're not rapidly hiring and firing developers, the following are expected from our developers:

  • Grow and Develop steadily.
  • Pick up responsibilities: unlike freelancers and newly onboarded developers, senior developers should know the business inside out, and they should be able to take necessary actions to move projects forward without much supervision. The longer they stay in the company, the more they're held accountable.
  • Apply engineering principles and adhere to company values. As listed on our Code of Conduct
  • Avoid mistakes and failure at all cost: mistakes are inevitable, and can't be avoided, but they should be addressed before making their way to the final products/services.


A work agreement with a developer is partially or completely terminated if one or more of the following is violated:

  • Irresponsibility: When a senior developer is unable to pick up responsibility after a long time (or they still need complete supervision similar to freelancers or newly onboarded developers).
  • Noncompliance: the developer is not adhering to or rejecting the company's principles and values.
  • Constantly failing: the developer constantly delivers failed products/services to end-users due to irresponsibility and noncompliance.


A product/service is considered as failed IF and ONLY IF the product/service is considered as completely developed/built and launched (delivered) to the end-users, and the problems/shortcomings are discovered after the delivery.