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We take a great care of the quality of software we make. Whenever we build a software system, we ensure below high level characteristics:

Documentation & Ease of Use

This will ensure that new developers and existing developers can create high quality new applications and safely make changes to existing applications.


Automated Testing, Guidelines & Tools for testing are provided to enforce continuous testing. This ensures reliability since applications are automatically tested before each deployment.

Continuous Delivery

We ensure that our Software are always in a releasable state and that Delivery Pipelines are configured as part of the CI/CD process.

Lightweight & Minimal

While building software, we work really hard on reducing accidental complexity as much as possible.


We breakdown Software Systems into multiple stand-alone Modules/Components. These modules are developed, and maintained in isolation, Sometimes as code libraries or packages on (NuGet, npm ...etc). This will ensure that the System can evolve easily and that different teams can work on different modules.